Comparison of Vitrectomy Alone Versus Vitrectomy Plus Encircling Buckle for Primary Inferior Retinal Detachment
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, pars-plana vitrectomy, scleral bucklingAbstract
Objective: To observe the post-operative anatomical and visual results of primary vitrectomy alone versus vitrectomy plus encircling scleral buckle (SB) for the treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD).
Study type, settings and duration: An analytic and comparative study, conducted in Department of Ophthalmology, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad from March 2017 to September 2018.
Methodology: This study was carried out on 50 Patients of RRD with inferior breaks at the Vitreo-Retina center of Eye Department Allied Hospital, FMU, Faisalabad. Each patient was informed and briefed about the study and enrolled after written informed consent .The study patients were divided into two groups named as group I and II, each having 25 patients of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments. The patients in Group I underwent pars-plana vitrectomy alone with silicon oil (SO) injection as internal tamponade and the patients in group II underwent PPV with 360o encircling scleral buckle (SB) and silicon oil (SO) injection as additional internal tamponade. All the cases were operated by single surgeon and with the same vitrectomy machine (Pulsar- II).The essential post-operative parameters were single operation success rate(SOSR) after retinal reattachment. Each patient was followed for 3 months with an interval of 2 weeks between each visit.
Results: Single operation success rate (SOSR) in group I was 76% (19 out of 25 patients) and in group II it was 80% (20 out of 25 Patients). The retinal re-detachment occurred in 24% (6 out of 25 patients) in group I and 20% ( 5 out of 25 patients) in group II.
Conclusion: Both the surgical procedures had good results as group II had 80% Single operation success rate (SOSR) and group 1 had 76% SOSR .This study showed almost same post -operative results in both groups.