A Study of Femoral Neck Shaft Angle in Adults of Islamabad and its Clinical Implications
Neck shaft angle, proximal femoral geometry, implants, postoperative complications, goniometer, radiographs, lateralityAbstract
Objective: To determine mean femoral neck shaft angle (NSA) in local adult population of Islamabad Pakistan.
Study settings & duration: A Descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Orthopedics, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission General Hospital Islamabad from June 2017 to December 2017.
Methodology: Using consecutive (non-probability) sampling technique 200 patients who met inclusion criteria were selected and their antero-posterior pelvic radiographs were taken. Hand held goniometer was used to measure NSA in both femurs under supervision of an expert orthopedic surgeon. Statistical analysis was done on SPSS 21.
Results: The total of 400 femoral necks were evaluated for NSA from 200 adult patients which were 114 males and 86 females. Mean NSA on right for males was found to be 130.90°±5.05 and mean NSA on left was 131.01°±4.87. Mean NSA for females on right was 129.94°±4.31 and for left was 130.48°±4.52.Effect of increasing age was also analyzed. These results are comparable to studies already published in the literature.
Conclusion: Our study provided an updated report on the local population NSA and found out that these are different in males, females but this difference was not found statistically significant. However increase in age conferred statistically significant change in NSA in local adult Pakistani population living in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan.